Thanx for the response.

I have now found how to access the CSS. The Blitz skin styling makes the 
distinction between ordinary and hyperlinked words very subtle; to a 
color-blind fellow like myself it was not at all apparent and I only noticed it 
by accident. That was one of the things that I wanted to adjust!

The marvelous incantation that you sent only returned the current css so the 
previous one was lost in the upgrade. I am much less concerned about this since 
it gives me the opportunity to do a much better job.

:: paul

> On Dec 23, 2015, at 12:30 , Andy Bradford 
> <> wrote:
> Thus said Paul Higham on Wed, 23 Dec 2015 10:11:03 -0800:
>> Having upgraded to  Fossil release 1.34 the customizations  to the css
>> that I had made  have disappeared and I cannot find a  way to edit the
>> new css. Is this no longer possible?  Is there a way to modify the css
>> for some elements?
> There  were  a  lot  of  changes   made  to  how  CSS  customization  is
> handled. It's likely  (and unfortunate) that these changes  wipe out (or
> ignore)  existing CSS  customization that  had been  made using  the old
> header/footer/css mechanisms. I too ran into  this and had to spend some
> time figuring out how to recover them.
> It may be possible  that your orginal CSS is still  intact in the config
> table in your repositories.
> echo SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = "'css';" | fossil sql -R 
> /repo.fossil
> The header and footer are also there if you need them.
> It  should  still  be  possible  to  customize  under  Admin->Skins  (or
> /setup_skin via UI)
> Andy
> -- 
> TAI64 timestamp: 40000000567b047d

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