On May 2, 2016, at 3:21 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> If you want to make a guaranteed-consistent backup copy of a
> repository fail named "x.fossil" you can run the following command:
>    fossil sql -R x.fossil ".backup x.bu"

When I try that I get -R unknown option.  ??

> I lease cheap server slices from Linode and Hurricane Electric (at
> geographically distributed data centers) and have clones of all my
> Fossil repositories on each.  They automatically sync with one another
> using a cron job.
> Here at the office, we have many machines, which all serve as
> additional local backups by periodically running "fossil all pull".

If that linode service provided more diskspace or a little cheaper I would 
definitely consider using it for my entire backup using rsync.  However for my 
purposes, I’m using Crashplan at $4/month for unlimited space..and I have about 
2TB of other stuff to backup, so I’d just prefer to get my fossil backed up 
there along with everything else.  I’m gonna ponder that linode service though, 
its interesting.  I might be able to use that in some way.  That would 
definitely be an excellent way to back up an SCM such as fossil!

Truthfully, I view the cloud backup as a last ditch backup in case the house 
burns down, as I have everything here backed up 1-3 times within the LAN.  
There are 4 computers with fossil and they are going to replicate the repos for 
sure, though I should make sure ALL repos are being replicated for that purpose.

I view that as the primary backup method.  Going to the cloud is really for 
worst case scenario…and if I have to restore from a SQL dump in that 
case…that’s fine….as long as its a complete backup.  

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