
recently I've replaced Firefox by Chromium,
and if I run `fossil ui ..` (i.e. not within an open checkout),
browser doesn't start automatically.
Should? AFAIR with Firefox it worked...

(I've added fprintf() call)
/home/juef/fossil/e/fossil: ./fossil ver
This is fossil version 1.36 [de4e4e2a30] 2016-10-12 13:31:14 UTC
/home/juef/fossil/e/fossil: ./fossil set web-browser
web-browser          (global) chromium
/home/juef/fossil/e/fossil: ./fossil ui
Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080
cgi_http_server()::zBrowser |chromium http://localhost:8080/timeline?c=current 
Created new window in existing browser session.
/home/juef/fossil/e/fossil: ./fossil ui ..
Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080
cgi_http_server()::zBrowser |echo http://localhost:8080/ &|
/home/juef/fossil/e/fossil: ./fossil ui ../fossil.fossil
Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080
cgi_http_server()::zBrowser |echo http://localhost:8080/ &|

I am not a native English speaker,
so feel free to correct any spelling or grammatical errors!

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