Hi all of you,
Hi Scott and Luca,
1/ Luca said :
"And you are free to get another DVCS of your choice.
Go get trolling somewhere else"
a) I don't use Fossil. I used to in the past. I am waiting for a rock solid 
one. :-)At least read carefully if English is not your first language.b) I 
don't try another DVCS because I am happy with my Git for what I am waiting for 
(basic needs).
c) I think you don't know what a troll is.d) If you don't agree with someone 
try to argue.
(I was wondering if I should answer or not. :D)

2/ The discuss beyond will be for Scott.
a) One of the best comment I've ever read in Fossil Mail. Thank you.
b) I agree with most of your statment, at least, I agree with the "DRH/Linus" 
point of view.

c) "I have a hard time understanding how you think one email address having 
difficulty with a mail list is a sign of a lack of marketing acumen"
This would be my point of view in the past.In fact, communication e.g. email, 
Mattermost, etc. is a marketing tool.Git communication is Github. Note that 
I've NEVER said that Github is a part of Git !

d) About Git : nope Git was adopted because of his features in the 
beginning.The famous Linux lets Git grows faster. Github consolidate git first 

e) And of course as you said, things don't ALWAYS work.
3/ For the record, I've got NO interest inside MatterMost.My thought is that 
nice project deserve nice communication tools, not for marketing but for a more 
efficient communication between Fossil users.
4/ About Yahoo discuss :No I won't change my email because of a "bounce 
notification". "Bounce notification" does not bother me at all.For 
communication reason, I rise the issue, so the Fossil Team should be warned.
The issue seems to be the fact that the mail man software sends email that is 
owned by yahoo.That behavior is forbidden by serious companies, because of 
phishing risks, etc., and Mailman should take that into account seriously.

To sum up my point of view :When one can't use a tool as it should be, it is 
bad communication : may be a lack of something.Behind the scene the Fossil 
website were down : drh said "NEVER happened". I said that it's a security 
issue : xinetd should not be used because it might be a security breach (I've 
learn that few years ago).Whatever is your project, you will need a marketing 
tool, and most of the time most of the basic tools : it is not about money, it 
is about Future [of the project].

Best Regards

      De : Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com>
 À : Fossil SCM user's discussion <fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org> 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 17 octobre 2016 15h56
 Objet : Re: [fossil-users] disabled due to excessive bounces (again?)
On Oct 16, 2016 6:35 PM, "K. Fossil user" <ticketpersonnal-fos...@yahoo.fr> 
> I am angry because Fossil knows nothing about marketing which is bad for any 
> project...If I may paraphrase, Fossil's benevolent dictator has stated many 
> times in the past that the One True Purpose (TM) of Fossil is to serve SQLite 
> development. The fact that others find it nice for their use is a happy 
> coincidence.I think the point of marketing can be interpreted a couple 
> different ways.One, in some organizations marketing drives development. This 
> is done to make more money or to try to be all things to all people. Since 
> Fossil is FOSS money is not an issue. Since DRH has a pretty clear vision of 
> what he wants Fossil to be, he explicitly does not want it to be all things 
> to all people. He's not opposed to allowed enhancements that he doesn't use 
> himself as long as they don't conflict with his core DVCS principles.Two, 
> pure marketing, from the perspective of informing people of the option, is 
> not a strength of most FOSS projects. Evangelism is similar but different. I 
> would state that Linus Torvalds isn't a great marketer either, but that 
> didn't stop the Linux kernel from gaining mind share. It just happened to 
> come at the right time and became huge IMO based on the FUD surrounding BSD 
> at the time. That git is popular is almost exclusively an artifact of Linux 
> popularity, not brilliant marketing.In similar fashion, SQLite started as a 
> solution to a problem it's author was having. It was shared, and it grew in 
> popularity. From a dev perspective it's arguably not as interesting as Linux 
> (there are more subprojects of Linux for a dev to try to hack on if they 
> want), but it has gained mind share in its space. The fact that SQLite is a 
> smaller scope project than Linux parallels the relative mind share of Fossil 
> vs git. Not to mention the cottage industry of projects that exist to make 
> git more usable, which is arguably not as necessary for Fossil.I don't 
> believe you're trying to be offensive in your use of words, but I have a hard 
> time understanding how you think one email address having difficulty with a 
> mail list is a sign of a lack of marketing acumen. I doubt it is a problem 
> many people have. Would it drive away people? Perhaps. Has it? It doesn't 
> appear to have, but maybe this mail list is preventing more people from 
> engaging with the project than we realize.If I might make a suggestion. Try 
> creating a non Yahoo email account. Subscribe from it. Configure it to 
> forward to your Yahoo account, or to have Yahoo pull from it. See if that 
> solves the problem. Don't attribute malice or incompetence. I think everyone 
> would like things to just work, but they don't always, and there can be too 
> many variables for one person to analyze in finding a solution.
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