Hi Warren,

On 10/21/2016 07:21 PM, Warren Young wrote:
On Oct 21, 2016, at 7:31 PM, Nikita Borodikhin <elit...@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to be able to commit only needed changes:
So say:

    $ fossil ci Makefile state_machine.c

It’s actually less typing than defining a changelist and then committing the 

If you’re not certain about the changes in those two files, you can “fossil 
diff” just those two files:

   $ fossil diff Makefile state_machine.c | less

Then edit the command from history to change “diff” to “ci” when you’re 

The difference here is that I define _name_ for the _group of files_ upfront. I can do some iterations of change-check_status-view_diff before I commit the change, and it helps me a lot to see my files grouped in the output of status. Again, example I had is very simple, but imaging I have twenty files changed because of renamed interface.

When I look at status output, I can check two parts: my change set, to make sure it does not have anything unneeded, and the rest of it, to make sure it does not have any of my changed files missing from the changelist. Without changelists - well, it is possible, but it less convenient (you have to list files every time you do something) and more error-prone.

Here’s the alternative with branches:
     $ fossil ci --branch my-new-feature state1.c
     $ fossil up trunk
     $ fossil ci --branch my-other-new-feature state2.c
     $ fossil up trunk
     $ fossil ci

It’s a bit more complex, but has a different effect, so you can’t compare them 
apples-to-apples.  Here, we’re saying that state1.c and state2.c contain 
partially finished features which we want to set aside so that we can focus on 
Makefile and state_machine.c.  Maybe we’ll make more changes before checking 
the changes in.

You can use the stash instead if you don’t like branches:

     $ fossil stash save state1.c
     $ fossil stash save state2.c    # yes, separate commands!
     $ fossil ci

It’s simpler in that you don’t have to keep returning to trunk to revert the 
changes, but if you’re working on a team, now you have the Guy In the Room 


If you’re not working on a team, the main disadvantage of the stash over 
branches is that it’s local to a particular open checkout, so that if you’re 
working on multiple machines or have multiple checkouts, you can’t simply 
switch branches to see your in-progress feature, you have to somehow copy the 
files over manually.

Another problem with the stash is that if you say “fossil close,” it will offer 
to throw away your stash, which is irrecoverable if you accept.  At least with 
branches, you have a copy of the code durably archived.

There’s no shame in having partially-working code checked in on a branch.  
Broken code on the trunk is a problem for many reasons, but it’s quite common 
to make many checkins on a branch to bring the initial checkin on that branch 
into shape suitable for merging back into the trunk.

I like and use branches, but they do not solve the problem changelists solve. The problem is: I often have two sets of changes in my local checkout. One set is supposed to go into branch and, eventually, into trunk, and the other set consists of my local changes to help me work on that piece of code. That other set should not get into repository. I could have committed it and undo that commit before the merge back to trunk, but sometimes I would forget to do that.

I have that problem that often, so I wrote a wrapper that demands specifying changelist to svn commit.

Changelists help me to:
* isolate those groups of files
* work with groups using names of the group rather than files one by one
* evolve the group alongside with my work, adding files into it, until change set is ready to be committed

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