Hi Andy,

On 10/21/2016 12:53 PM, Andy Bradford wrote:
Thus said Nikita Borodikhin on Fri, 21 Oct 2016 16:02:33 -0000:

== change sets - preparing the change ==

I often end up having several  sets of unrelated changes. For example,
one set  is my temporary  change to the  build system to  disable some
things  to  make build  process  faster,  but  these changes  are  not
intended to come into the end product and are not to be committed.
You  could simply  open a  new checkout  and keep  unrelated changes  in
different checkouts of your repository. For example,

fossil new /tmp/test.fossil
mkdir /tmp/tinker && cd /tmp/tinker && fossil open /tmp/test.fossil
mkdir /tmp/explore && cd /tmp/explore && fossil open /tmp/test.fossil
mkdir /tmp/maybe && cd /tmp/maybe && fossil open /tmp/test.fossil


The problem is that quite often these two sets are: changes I want to commit (when they are ready), and changes I do not want to commit, but I have to have in my working copy until I commit the first set.

Changelists help me to separate them and refer to each set by name, rather than by naming each file every time I need to do something - get status, check diff and so on.

For example, let's suppose I work on a bug. I have some local changes to Makefile to, say, disable some components to speed up the build. I want to have have those changes in my checkout even after I'm done with the bug. I also have some changes in state_machine.c to make bug to appear every time I start the program. I do not want to commit it, but I do not need to keep it after I'm done:

$ fossil cl add build Makefile
$ fossil cl add tmp state_machine.c
$ fossil cl add bug300 state1.c state2.c
$ fossil status
--- Changelist build
EDITED Makefile
--- Changelist tmp
EDITED state_machine.c
--- Changelist bug300
EDITED state1.c
EDITED state2.c
$ fossil diff --cl bug300
$ ...
$ fossil status
$ fossil add bug300 state3.c
$ fossil status
--- Changelist build
EDITED Makefile
--- Changelist tmp
EDITED state_machine.c
--- Changelist bug300
EDITED state1.c
EDITED state2.c
EDITED state3.c
$ fossil diff --cl bug300
$ fossil commit --cl bug300
$ fossil revert --cl tmp

Working on the change I am about to commit, I can easily end up having 10 or 20+ files, if I have to, say, refactor an interface, add extra parameter to a widely used function and so on.

svn  cl syntax  is inconsistent,  but  I root  for the  idea to  label
connected files for the commit/review purpose and I would love to have
something like that in Fossil
By  ``label connected  files'' I  assume  you mean  related changes.  If
you're already doing the above  suggestion, there's always the option to
stash the changes.

That's true, I could stash changes, but that is not best solution. Without change lists, I can not visually separate my temporary changes when I look at status output. And when I check the diff, I do not want my to see my temporary changes. Here changelists really help because of the name you give to that group of files. Compare
$fossil diff --cl bug300
$fossil diff state1.c state2.c state3.c

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