
on Saturday 11 March 2017 at 15:07, Mark Janssen wrote:
> Recently I have been looking to use fossil as a backend for managing the
> Tcl tip collection.
> An obvious format for the new tip format would be markdown, but currently
> the fossil markdown support is fairly limited (for example there are no
> code blocks)

I never understood the appeal for code blocks, but if it's only that
it's very easy to add to the existing implementation.

However I would be very interested to know what other features it lacks,
or how a single feature missing makes it "fairly limited".

Don't get me wrong, I fully recognize the value of CommonMark, just not
in features but rather in disambiguation and standardization.

Regarding the compatibility, as long as everybody kept their markdown
valid and non-contrieved, it should be completely transparent. People
who have stuff *like [that* ][link] might see quite some change there.

And a fair warning, if anyone really wants standard-compliant
CommonMark, and not just a few extra features, don't bother with the
existing implementation, it's architectually at odds with the choices
made in CommonMark. Better scratch it and write/import something
entirely different.

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