On Mar 11, 2017, at 7:07 AM, Mark Janssen <mpc.jans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> the fossil markdown support is fairly limited (for example there are no code 
> blocks)

We must have different definitions of “code block.”

This is a Fossil wiki page with a very large code block down at the end:


And it’s an interesting programming story besides, IMHO. :)

That code block — the amber-on-black box — is simply the boxed text you see 
indented four spaces, the same as specified by CommonMark.

Fossil also allows <pre> and <code> in Markdown, if you want more control over 
what you get in the HTML output.

Fossil *doesn’t* support this “fenced code block” feature I see in CommonMark.  
Is that what you wanted?  I assume that has value for some indenting or quoting 
reason, but I have yet to find the older indented code block style unsuitable.

A related wish that comes up here now and then is some kind of pretty-printer 
support, so that common programming languages are colored nicely.  Google’s 
code-prettify JS library would work for this:


I have found bugs in Fossil’s Markdown implementation.  For example, it doesn’t 
deal properly with hyperlinks to Wikipedia documents that end in a parenthesis, 
as when the Wikipedia topic needs disambiguation:

   I like [Fossil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_(software))!

The URL is missing the trailing closing paren and an extra closing paren shows 
up in the HTML rendered output.

It would also be nice to have Markdown support in tickets.  I write Markdown 
text faster than I write Wiki formatted text.

> I have made a version of fossil which supports the commonmark markdown format

If it’s simply “stronger” than the current Markdown implementation on the 
common subset of the two Markdown flavors, I’m in favor of the change.  I don’t 
mind going back and tweaking my Markdown text to format correctly under the new 
system, especially if the differences amount to removing workarounds for 
Fossil’s current Markdown rendering engine.

> - (Maybe) add a repo wide markdown flavour setting

That sounds necessary, at least through the transition period, for much the 
same reason we how have “fossil set hash-policy”.  

If I update my local Fossil with your version and say “fossil ui” in a repo 
made by someone who doesn’t use a Fossil binary with your Markdown engine, the 
Markdown might not render properly if my Fossil doesn’t also know how to use 
the “legacy” rendering engine.

> would there be any interest in adding commonmark support?  

For now, I’m torn until you give me better examples than “no code block 
support.” :)
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