On 10 December 2017 at 16:15, Michai Ramakers <m.ramak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it normal that I can't seem to clone the fossil-scm.org repo using
> this old version?

Apparently I have been living under a rock. I also seem to be unable
to open the cloned (using current trunk) fossil-scm.org repo using the
old fossil-binary (from 2015) - contents are missing afterwards:

michai@work-lap:/tmp/f/f$ f open ../f.fossil
project-name: Fossil
repository:   /tmp/f/f/../f.fossil
local-root:   /tmp/f/f/
config-db:    /home/michai/.fossil
project-code: CE59BB9F186226D80E49D1FA2DB29F935CCA0333
check-ins:    11026
michai@work-lap:/tmp/f/f$ ls -al
total 72
drwxr-xr-x 2 michai michai   100 Dec 10 16:10 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 michai michai    80 Dec 10 16:07 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 michai michai  7168 Dec 10 16:10 .fslckout
-rw-r--r-- 1 michai michai 60201 Dec 10 16:10 manifest
-rw-r--r-- 1 michai michai    41 Dec 10 16:10 manifest.uuid
michai@work-lap:/tmp/f/f$ f ver
This is fossil version 1.33 [b00e60194e] 2015-08-22 12:42:15 UTC

Thanks again,
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