Hello Mark and other fossologists !

Mark Donohoe said on Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 10:20:23AM -0700:

> I am confused.  We use two different paths depending on how the software is 
> getting installed.  If it's via a debian package, then the paths are all 
> /usr/..... (there are a couple of exceptions I think), if it's a manual 
> install (we call it an upstream install) then  most things end up in 
> /usr/local/* paths.

For me it's as simple as:

1/ If it's a file based install, default is to go for everything under
/usr/local (or sometimes /opt)
2/ If it's a package based install, then it should follow the LSB and
use /usr, /etc, /var, ...

> We do this the Vars are tweaked depending on where the install is going. I'll 
> look into this a bit more, and I'll look into how DATADIR var is created.  I 
> tend to agree with you, it should be based on PREFIX.
> The /var/local/lib/fossology path you mention is one of the exceptions.

Well, there shouldn't be any exception to rules with reagrds to
installation. IMHO of course.
Now if you have good reasons for that, I'll have to add a patch to the
tree for RPM builds. How are you handling that on Debian (should be the

> Also, I would like to duplicate your environment if possible, that way I can 
> better help you with these issues.  We really need to get a working RPM for 
> this, your help has been great.

I can provide you with an empty CentOS 5 chroot I use, in which it's
just a ùatter of doing yum install fossoslogy from my repo.

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