So we've been going on this new server for a few weeks now and its
crunching away at many many repos of source-code.
However, I expected this Fossology DB size on the main page
http://localhost/repo/ -> Admin -> Dashboard to start displaying some
amount of size close to the fossology-database size but for some
reason it's still showing up as Zero 0.

Our fossology DB and actual disk space used is currently at:

[r...@san-psip ~]# du -sh /var/lib/pgsql/data/
6.5G    /var/lib/pgsql/data/

which is similar to the database size of fossology:

postgres=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('fossology'));
 6333 MB
(1 row)

But when using your query to display Fossology DB size on Dashboard,
its still showing zero, or nothing unlike the last time I used this

postgres=# SELECT SUM(relpages) AS val FROM pg_class INNER JOIN
pg_stat_all_tables ON pg_stat_all_tables.relname = pg_class.relname
WHERE schemaname='public';

(1 row)

Last time I ran this it displayed: val = 0.

So in theory the query and displayed size is correct, but this seems
more like an issue or something not being right, (possibly a bug?). I
don't know but I would like to attempt to correct this somehow.

I would hope to see something close to the DB size when going to the
Dashboard page. Others engineers have asked me about this and I really
don't know what to tell them.

Any suggestions, recommendations guys?


On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Furosh One <> wrote:
> Okay thanks, now I understand a little more of why it's displaying 0
> size on the localhost/repo/ page.
> My postgresql.conf currently has those commented out, which seems to
> use a default location:
> #data_directory = 'ConfigDir'           # use data in another directory
> #hba_file = 'ConfigDir/pg_hba.conf'     # host-based authentication file
> #ident_file = 'ConfigDir/pg_ident.conf' # IDENT configuration file
> I found the pgsql/data directory and it does show 2.8 GB size:
>  [r...@san-psip ~]# du -sh /var/lib/pgsql/data/
>  2.8G    /var/lib/pgsql/data/
> Perhaps I should give it sometime to generate sufficient data to be
> displayed with the query being used.
> Also, it's fairly new but we already transferred a large amount of
> data and has scanned 3 large source code repositories already some of
> which are large git repos (over 40 gb of stuff)...
> -Gibran
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Gobeille, Robert <> wrote:
>> I think the difference is that pg_database_size is giving you the total disk 
>> space used as a result of the database you listed.  Whereas the query we use 
>> is the sum of the actual data space used by each table.
>> So since the tables in a fresh install are mostly empty, you have approx 0 
>> pages of data.
>> But postgres is going to create files that it needs to handle transaction 
>> processing, tables, etc. so the actual disk space used is much larger.  It 
>> surprises me a lot that it comes up with 2.5 GB.
>> If you want to check that, look in your postgresql.conf file (may be in 
>> /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/)
>> Look for the variable "data_directory".  That will tell you the file path 
>> that postgresql is using to store all of its databases.  Do a du -sh on that 
>> directory to see how much disk space it's taking.
>> Bob
>> On Mar 1, 2010, at 9:31 AM, Furosh One wrote:
>>> Thanks for the response Bob. Well, I'm definately not much of a DB
>>> person, so I had to google this and look online but this is what I'm
>>> using based on a couple of results from my search. Since I'm not much
>>> of a DB person, I usually write notes about what I did for future.
>>> Here are my notes:
>>> Login:
>>> sudo -u postgres psql
>>> Display DBs:
>>> ============
>>> [r...@san-psip ~]# sudo -u postgres psql
>>> could not change directory to "/root"
>>> Welcome to psql 8.1.18, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
>>> Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
>>>       \h for help with SQL commands
>>>       \? for help with psql commands
>>>       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
>>>       \q to quit
>>> Listings of DBs:
>>> ================
>>> postgres=# \l
>>>        List of databases
>>>   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
>>> -----------+----------+-----------
>>> fossology | fossy    | SQL_ASCII
>>> postgres  | postgres | UTF8
>>> template0 | postgres | UTF8
>>> template1 | postgres | UTF8
>>> (4 rows)
>>> View DB size for fossology:
>>> ===========================
>>> postgres=# SELECT pg_database_size('fossology');
>>> pg_database_size
>>> ------------------
>>>       2710417276
>>> (1 row)
>>> View DB size for fossology (human-readable):
>>> ============================================
>>> postgres=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('fossology'));
>>> pg_size_pretty
>>> ----------------
>>> 2585 MB
>>> (1 row)
>>> However, you're right in what you use is displaying 0 when I run the query:
>>> =====================================================
>>> r...@san-psip ~]# sudo -u postgres psql -d fossology
>>> could not change directory to "/root"
>>> Welcome to psql 8.1.18, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
>>> Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
>>>       \h for help with SQL commands
>>>       \? for help with psql commands
>>>       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
>>>       \q to quit
>>> fossology=# SELECT SUM(relpages) AS val FROM pg_class INNER JOIN
>>> pg_stat_all_tables ON pg_stat_all_tables.relname = pg_class.relname
>>> WHERE schemaname='public';
>>> val
>>> -----
>>>   0
>>> (1 row)
>>> Do you know of a way I can fix/correct this because although the query
>>> fossology is using I'm guessing my DB is now zero.
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> -Regards,
>>> Gibran
>>> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 6:40 AM, Gobeille, Robert <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Gibran,
>>>> How did you select the size of the fossology db?
>>>> We use:
>>>> SELECT SUM(relpages) AS val FROM pg_class INNER JOIN pg_stat_all_tables ON 
>>>> pg_stat_all_tables.relname = pg_class.relname WHERE schemaname='public'
>>>> My machine is running postgresql 8.3.9.  I haven't verified this on a 
>>>> higher rev.
>>>> Bob
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