Hi !

I am running a debian Squeeze server where fossology 2.0.0 was previously installed on it. I upgraded to 2.4.0 following the guide http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/Debian_Install_2_4

I got the following trace :
Setting up fossology-common (2.4.0-1) ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/fossology/fossology.conf ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/fossology/VERSION ...
*** Running postinstall for common actions***
*** Creating user and group ***
NOTE: group 'fossy' already exists, good.
NOTE: user 'fossy' already exists, good.
NOTE: change user 'fossy' homedir from /srv/fossology to /home/fossy.
*** Making sure needed dirs exist with right ownership/permissions ***
NOTE: Repository already exists at /srv/fossology/repository
NOTE: Running the PostgreSQL vacuum and analyze command can result in a large database performance improvement. We suggest that you either configure postgres to run its autovacuum and autoanalyze daemons, or maintagent -D in a cron job, or run Admin > Maintenance on a regular basis. Admin > Dashboard will show you the last time vacuum and analyze have been run.
FOSSology postinstall complete, but sure to complete the remaining
  steps in the INSTALL instructions.
Setting up fossology-db (2.4.0-1) ...
*** Setting up the FOSSology database ***
NOTE: fossology database already exists, not creating
*** Checking for plpgsql support ***
NOTE: plpgsql already exists in fossology database, good
Setting up fossology-web (2.4.0-1) ...
*** Running postinstall for web-only actions***
*** update the database and license_ref table ***
PHP Warning: pg_query(): Query failed: ERROR: insert or update on table "copyright" violates foreign key constraint "copyright_pfile_fk_fkey" DETAIL: Key (pfile_fk)=(140) is not present in table "pfile". in /usr/share/fossology/lib/php/libschema.php on line 456 <hr>File: /usr/share/fossology/lib/php/libschema.php, Line number: 457<br>ERROR: insert or update on table "copyright" violates foreign key constraint "copyright_pfile_fk_fkey" DETAIL: Key (pfile_fk)=(140) is not present in table "pfile".<br> ALTER TABLE "copyright" ADD CONSTRAINT "copyright_pfile_fk_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("pfile_fk") REFERENCES "pfile" ("pfile_pk") ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE;<pre>#0 debugbacktrace() called at [/usr/share/fossology/lib/php/common-db.php:158] #1 DBCheckResult(, ALTER TABLE "copyright" ADD CONSTRAINT "copyright_pfile_fk_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("pfile_fk") REFERENCES "pfile" ("pfile_pk") ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE;, /usr/share/fossology/lib/php/libschema.php, 457) called at [/usr/share/fossology/lib/php/libschema.php:457] #2 ApplySchema(/usr/share/fossology/www/ui/core-schema.dat, , fossology) called at [/usr/lib/fossology/fossinit.php:102]
</pre><hr>*** Setting up the web interface ***
NOTE: Adding user www-data to group fossy
FOSSology postinstall complete, but sure to complete the remaining
  steps in the INSTALL instructions.
Setting up fossology-scheduler (2.4.0-1) ...
*** Setting up scheduler ***
FOSSology postinstall complete, but sure to complete the remaining
  steps in the INSTALL instructions.
Setting up fossology-ununpack (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology-copyright (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology-nomos (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology-pkgagent (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology-buckets (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology-mimetype (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology-delagent (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology-wgetagent (2.4.0-1) ...
Setting up fossology (2.4.0-1) ...
Database connectivity is good.
FOSSology postinstall complete, but sure to complete the remaining
  steps in the INSTALL instructions.
Starting FOSSology job scheduler: fossology.

Now here is the content of fossology.log
2014-03-13 08:56:51 scheduler [15545] :: ERROR database.c.630: Column jobqueue.jq_host does not exist 2014-03-13 08:56:51 scheduler [15545] :: FATAL database.c.642: Scheduler did not pass database check 2014-03-13 08:56:51 scheduler [15545] :: FATAL database.c.643: Running fo_postinstall should fix these issues

Note that running fo-postinstall doesn't solve these issues

In fossology > Browse I got the following:

File: /usr/share/fossology/lib/php/common-tags.php, Line number: 231
ERROR: relation "tag_manage" does not exist
select tag_manage_pk from tag_manage where upload_fk = 8 and is_disabled = true;

#0  debugbacktrace() called at [/usr/share/fossology/lib/php/common-db.php:158]
#1  DBCheckResult(, select tag_manage_pk from tag_manage where upload_fk = 8 
and is_disabled = true;, /usr/share/fossology/lib/php/common-tags.php, 231) 
called at [/usr/share/fossology/lib/php/common-tags.php:231]
#2  TagStatus(8) called at [/usr/share/fossology/lib/php/common-menu.php:434]
#3  menu_to_1list(Array ([0] => menu Object ([Name] => View,[URI] => view,[HTML] => ,[Order] => 10,[Target] => ,[MaxDepth] => 0,[SubMenu] => ,[FullName] => Browse-Pfile::View,[Title] => View file 
contents),[1] => menu Object ([Name] => Info,[URI] => view_info,[HTML] => ,[Order] => 5,[Target] => ,[MaxDepth] => 0,[SubMenu] => ,[FullName] => Browse-Pfile::Info,[Title] => View file information),[2] => 
menu Object ([Name] => Compare,[URI] => picker,[HTML] => ,[Order] => 0,[Target] => ,[MaxDepth] => 0,[SubMenu] => ,[FullName] => Browse-Pfile::Compare,[Title] => Compare this file to another.),[3] => menu 
Object ([Name] => Download,[URI] => download,[HTML] => ,[Order] => 0,[Target] => ,[MaxDepth] => 0,[SubMenu] => ,[FullName] => Browse-Pfile::Download,[Title] => Download this file),[4] => menu Object ([Name] 
=> Tag,[URI] => tag,[HTML] => ,[Order] => 0,[Target] => ,[MaxDepth] => 0,[SubMenu] => ,[FullName] => Browse-Pfile::Tag,[Title] => Tag files or containers)), upload=8&show=detail&item=84268,  ,  , 1, 8) 
called at [/usr/share/fossology/www/ui/ui-browse.php:322]
#4  ui_browse->ShowFolder(1, detail) called at 
#5  ui_browse->Output() called at [/usr/share/fossology/www/ui/index.php:51]

Is anyone can help me to sort it out ?

Thanks !

Martin Hamant
IT Administrator    OW2   www.ow2.org
The open source community for infrastructure software

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