Hi all,

As a follow-up to this thread about accessing FOSSology metrics 
programatically, I'm trying the following: logging in to a FOSSology instance 
using curl, then accessing a restricted page over curl as well:

  curl -j -c cookie.txt https://fossology.ow2.org/repo/?mod=auth -d 
username=xxx -d password=xxx

  curl -b cookie.txt 

The response I get is an HTML file showing that the user is correctly identified (it 
contains non-empty user and group parameters in the header), however the page contains 
the message "Permission denied" at the location where I would expect the 
license metrics.

Do you have any idea on how I could access the target content indeed via curl?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Kind regards


Stéphane Laurière
CTO OW2 www.ow2.org
+33 645 816 202 @slauriere
The open source community for infrastructure software

OW2con’18, June 7-8, 2018, Save the date!

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