= Minutes for Monday, March 28th 2016, 19:30 UTC =

Next meeting date Monday, April 4th, 19:30 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Jeff F. T.
 * Shaun McCance
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Andrea Veri
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova

== Regrets ==

 * Allan Day

== Agenda ==

 * Yorba copyrights
 * Next Advisory Board meeting planning
 * Tibit

 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * Meta-discussion on attracting new contributors
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Trademark license agreement with Unixstickers
 * GUADEC 2017 call for bids

== Minutes ==

 * Yorba copyrights
  * https://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/2016-March/msg00021.html
  * Main problem we can think of would be finding the funds to eventually 
defend the copyrights in case of infringements or any other legally-related 
  * When Yorba got in touch with the GNOME Board about this in the past (2015), 
the board suggested that they approach other organizations and then come back 
to us in case Yorba were not satisfied with the options
  * In case the GNOME Foundation decides to take ownership of the copyrights, 
will other organizations such as the SPI/FSF/SFC help the GNOME Foundation 
defend them?
   * We should ideally get in touch with them first
  * ACTION: Kat to communicate with Yorba and propose them to first get in 
touch with other organizations then come back to the GNOME Foundation if not 
satisfied by the proposed options

 * Next Advisory Board meeting planning
  * GUADEC Advisory Board meeting is planned for the 11th of August
  * Frederic and Scott sent their regrets for the end of april already, only 
questions they had was related to GUADEC Advisory Board meeting dates for 
travel planning

 * Tibit
  * FoG web page should require a revamp, we can then start to re-discuss this 

== Ongoing ==
 * ED search update
  * 2015-12-01, No news received in recent weeks, mostly because of holidays
  * 2015-12-08, 3 candidates are going to have a couple of one hour interviews 
with ~2 members of the hiring committee per interview. Scheduling of these 
metings is just beginning.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2015-01-12, No updates.
  * 2016-01-19
   * Committee has completed interview with two final candidates 
   * They should have a final answer/proposal to the board within a few weeks
  * 2016-02-02, Expect more news this week - we'll start scheduling interviews 
  * 2016-02-09
   * Sri from the ED committee wants to present to the Board at next week's 
   * A list of candidates that are deemed good and have been vetted by the 
committee will be presented at the meeting
  * 2016-02-16, The ED Search committee converged on a single candidate
  * 2016-02-23, The item has been discussed during the meeting, details are 
available at 
  * 2016-03-14, Jonathan Blandford (jrb) has agreed to lead

 * Unixstickers
  * 2016-02-02
   * Allan has an action item to follow up with this
   * Kat put some information on the agreements page for similar cases
  * 2016-02-09, Allan drafted email - need to send that out
  * 2016-02-16, Allan has been in touch with them. Got a good response and sent 
a draft agreement document. Will be having a call with them on Friday.
  * 2016-02-23 (excerpts taken from the mailing list)
   * Allan confirms the Unixstickers team read the draft trademark agreement 
and acknowledged it
   * 10% of the proceeds will be returned back as royalties
   * Only GNOME stickers are sold right now, the idea is to encourage them to 
also sell t-shirts and mugs
  * 2016-03-01, Allan followed up and is now waiting to hear back to 
  * 2016-03-08, Allan to ask who will pay for postage
  * 2016-03-22
   * They'll pay for sticker postage
   *  Allan's next task is to draw up a draft agreement for the board to vote on

 * Google ad grant
  * 2016-02-02, Alexandre to follow up with the procedure to get registered
  * 2016-02-09 to 2016-02-23, No updates
  * 2016-03-01, Shaun will ask his contacts about TechSoup as joining the 
organization is required for us to be recognized as a non-profit from Google

 * Next adboard meeting
  * 2016-02-09, ACTION: Shaun to send out email to find a good time for the 
  * 2016-02-16, ACTION: Shaun to schedule the next meeting
  * 2016-03-15, The item has been discussed during the meeting, details are 
available at 
  * 2016-03-22, The item has been discussed during the meeting, details are 
available at 

 * GUADEC 2017 call for bids
  * 2016-03-15, Kat will take this over from Cosimo and will send something out 
within the next two weeks (Allan to help Kat out as well)

 * Conference sponsorships
  * 2016-03-15
   * ACTION: Kat to adapt a contract from previous years' conference brochures
   * ACTION: Jeff to chase the companies for a second time after the pages 
(where the status of whether/which companies have been contacted is listed) are 
up to date

=== Ongoing but stalled (no discussions / actions since more than a month) ===

 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about this
  * 2015-12-08, Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiting for an 
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 2016-02-02, Release team did not come to an agreement/conclusion. Unclear 
what next steps should be

 * Status of logo copyright
  * 2015-12-01, ACTION: Shaun to send out email to d-d-l with proposal
  * 2015-12-08 to 2016-01-19, No updates.
  * 2016-02-02, Shaun will try to pick it up this week

 * Meta-discussion on attracting new contributors -  
  * 2016-01-05, Item has been deferred.
  * 2016-02-09, Allan and Jeff have a list of ideas, we could rank them by 
feasibility/effectiveness and take action on the first few

 * Bitcoins donations data
  * Tobi is the only person with access to the Bitcoin donations data
  * 2016-02-23, ACTION: Alexandre to get in touch with him about this

=== Ongoing but no director assigned ===

 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks (last discussion from 2016-01-05)
  * 2016-01-12, Awaiting for Andrea's reply
  * 2016-01-19
   * Andrea replied back to Jeff
   * Jeff to bring the item back during any of the upcoming meetings
  * 2016-02-23, Jeff un-assigned the action item from himself, no current 

 * tibit (from the mailing list)
  * 2016-02-23, ACTION: Alexandre to investigate a way to eventually include 
the Tibit donate button together with the existing ones
  * 2016-03-08, Alexandre fixed the broken Flattr image link url at wgo
  * 2016-03-15, Action item for Alexandre to get back to Carl still pending
  * 2016-03-28,  FoG web page should require a revamp, we can then start to 
re-discuss this item

== Nice to have ==

 * Web page for prior pants winners
  * Shaun and Allan to do this

 * Contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
  * Kat to draft this

 * Gifts situation
   * Inventory management: some stuff we have heaps of, some we run out of 
stock quickly; consider an on-demand production service
   * Christian to investigate

 * Licensing of artwork and visual assets
  * Engagement team doesn't always licence photos on gnome.org and soon. We 
need guidelines for them to follow.
  * Allan and Sri to draft guidelines and discuss withthe Engagement Team

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * Previous plan was for Kat to propose privacy bounty T&C/rules for review
  * Cosimo to follow up with interested parties on how to spend the Privacy 
campaign funds

 * GNOME logo use by podiatrist - possible trademark infringement
  * Shaun to check the trademark details for the GNOME logo and update the 
licensing page on the website (obsolete)

 * Money raised for defense against Groupon
  * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be 
sponsored with money raised for defence against Groupon

 * Logo usage for t-shirts
  * Allan to carry on with the process and follow up and have some general 
guidelines written down for future cases

 * Standard code of conduct for GNOME annual events (so we don't have to 
reinvent the wheel each year)
  * Cosimo to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of the 
CoC to be finally considered final over all the GNOME yearly events

 * Privacy policy for GNOME services
  * Current draft is at https://wiki.gnome.org/Foundation/Privacy
  * Sysadmin Team's NDA should also be covered when dealing with this item
  * Andrea to write up the policy

 * gnome-software privacy issues
  * Software sends information to third parties; could have legal implications 
  * Allan to look at this

 * Photography policy for GNOME conferences
  * Cosimo to draft a proposal to discuss on foundation-list




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av

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