Name: Didier Roche
Corporate affiliation: Canonical

Hello everyone,

I've served on the Foundation Board of Directors for half a year now, filling a vacant position, and would like to continue for 2018-19.

I am a GNOME user since 2004 and starting packaging GNOME in Ubuntu starting 2008. I've submitted and contributed some patches over the years, while staying close to the french GNOME conspiracy, participating at local events and attending GUADEC.

More recently, I've helped on the migration from Unity to GNOME Shell in Ubuntu and blogged about it in a series of posts to inform both our users and the GNOME folks about our decisions: why we did some tweaking, which kind of experience we deliver ensuring that we still provide a vanilla GNOME session experience as well…

I feel that I can continue on the Board of Directors adding a positive impact, especially in the following sectors:

* Travel policy and sponsorship
I'm acting as a liaison to the Travel Committee for some months now. There is a lot to do to make our process more flexible and easier for everyone (requesters for sponsorship and Travel Committee members). We started working on it, but it needs refinements, and we have some plan of actions going this way (see the recent board meeting minutes about it).

* Development CI and infrastructure
This is something which I didn't participate yet on the GNOME side, but which is dear to my heart. I have extensive experience in this area for other projects, like ubuntu Touch, where I built the CI process to deliver hundreds of projects to the distribution archive. I think a solid CI, backed by systematic unit and integration testing is a must have and a gap we have to fill, building on the step of continous. Gitlab provided us a serious first step in the right direction throughout that process, helping on peer reviews, code contributions. I think ensuring that breaking the general build is something that is immediately seen by the whole community as a read flag, and help transitions, is the next major step in that direction.

The expansion of the foundation will surely trigger some great challenges, but it's exciting to be part of it when those kinds of fundamental shift is happening.

Didier Roche

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