*Name: Meg FordEmail: megf...@gnome.org <megf...@gnome.org>Corporate
affiliation: MitelHi Foundation Members,I am running for a third term as a
member of the Foundation Board of Directors.I have been a Foundation Member
since 2011. I joined after participating in the second round of the
Outreachy (formerly Outreach Program for Women) internships. This year I
worked on an initiative with the Mozilla Foundation's Open Source Clubs to
teach college students to contribute to GNOME. We are currently working on
setting up A/B testing using the Newcomers Guide, and in the coming year we
will continue to work with clubs on campuses to study how to best interest,
educate, and retain new contributors. I am particularly excited about this
initiative since it will provide us with in-depth data about how to engage
and retain contributors.I have also worked this year on various trademark
and licensing issues, finding grants to provide the community with more
servers, and negotiating a contract with MapBox so GNOME Maps can avoid
future service interruptions.If I am reelected I hope to continue to work
on increasing diversity and making GNOME a welcoming project for everyone.
There are many changes coming as a result of the new influx of grants, and
the resultant expansion. I hope to help provide continuity through the
changes, and to represent the best interests of the community in the coming
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