Anthony writes:

> I can believe that you'd focus on such drivel rather than respond to  
> the
> actual issues raised.

I try to focus *both* on your drivel *and* on the issues you raise. I  
figure you wouldn't be so extreme in what you post if you didn't want  
me to focus on it too.  Am I mistaken?

> Grow up, Mike.

Too late. At my advanced age, I take my fun where I can find it.

I think you and I both know that your whole business of saying there  
are "over 100" versions of CC-BY-SA was an attempt to try to create  
ambiguity and anxiety when there isn't really any. The computer  
industry used to refer to this as FUD -- the spreading of Fear,  
Uncertainty, and Doubt.  My reaction to FUD is normally to have fun  
with the FUD-spreaders.


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