2009/1/22 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com>:
>> Now read that article outloud and record it. Reasonable to the medium
>> or means in this case however lets people follow the common practice
>> of putting the credit on the record sleeve /CD jewel case.
> "Reasonable" doesn't have to mean "common practice".

It doesn't but is something of a useful indicator.

>How about reading
> out the names at the end? It's going to be a worse ratio than pages of
> print (you can't read something in a small font size, after all), but
> it's still doable (especially with text-to-speech converters, so you
> don't have to waste time reading all the names). Reading credits at
> the end is pretty common practice for radio broadcasts, anyway, why
> not do the same for CDs?.

Because radio broadcasts have far shorter credit lists. Yeah to an
extent you can do it with CDs but for 45s that is right out. However
the license itself specifies "Reasonable to the medium or means" so
this does not present a problem.

So "to clarify that attribution via reference to page histories is
acceptable if there are more than five authors" is an attempt to fix a
non problem using means of highly questionable legality under the
terms of the license and non US law as well is deny wikipedia authors
effective credit.

It also prevents us from bringing in CC-BY-SA from third party sources
which makes it further unacceptable.


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