On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Gerard Meijssen

> There has not been a satisfactory answer to the question why certain
> services are not equally distributed over the services. When the
> localisation and internationalisation of the tool server starts to kick in,
> the priority of providing an equal support will be raised because increased
> use will make these issues more visible and consequently it will not be as
> acceptable as it currently seems to be.
> Thanks,
>      GerardM

Because enwiki requires a lot more resources by itself than most other
wikis combined? That's why it gets its own cluster. Nobody is saying
that the s3 replication is acceptable. Pretty much everyone who has said
anything to the subject has agreed that yes, there is a problem. The fact
that s3 died and s1 and s2 remained up is, as you and others have
mentioned, is bad luck. If it had been s1 that died, we'd see similar
complaints about a lack of support for the biggest wiki. When it is said
that fixes are in the works and to please be patient, it serves no purpose
to continue bringing it up. The horse is dead, stop beating it senseless.

As to why the Lucene stuff hasn't been rolled out 100%, I cannot say
(although Aryeh did bring up some good points I wasn't aware of).
Perhaps there needs to be some more fine tuning before its more
widely rolled out? As with most  things: bugfixes and problem solving
take precedence over  new features (as well they should). Perhaps
there've been issues with other things that have pulled time away from
rolling out this new feature.

I don't know what this thread expects. From the subject alone, I'm
thinking the only acceptable answer is "Yes, there's a massive
conspiracy against smaller wikis. Now you've figured us out."
What answer would you have developers give?


OT: Shouldn't this be on toolserver-l and/or wikitech-l? It
*hardly* involves the foundation.
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