Gerard Meijssen wrote:
> Hoi,
> A conspiracy is wilful. I doubt that this is the case. If anything there is
> neglect. Other languages are just not given the same priority. 

There's no language-dependence in our priorities here, except for Robert's
initial decision, back in October, to pilot the new software on the
largest wikis. The smaller wikis haven't been neglected since then,
rather, the search engine has been neglected.

The English Wikipedia has often been left out of toolserver replication,
and it could have easily been the case this time around.

> What you hope
> for is that over time a language community will include developers that will
> take care for its language issues. In the mean time the Betawiki developers
> do what they can and I think they do a pretty good job.

The Betawiki developers, as I believe you yourself have pointed out, are
part of the community.

-- Tim Starling

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