2009/11/22 Judson Dunn <cohes...@sleepyhead.org>:

> And in defense of the bureaucratic morons, you might be surprised the
> number of super positive generous people that want their work on
> Wikipedia that are completely unwilling to allow 3rd parties to use
> their work. I don't personally make people say "The Great Sentence of
> Our Holy Secrets" but I would like some indication that they are ok
> with other people using their work commercially. Many people simply
> aren't, and it hasn't crossed their minds that when they give
> something to Wikipedia that is what they're signing up for. I think we
> owe it to those people to make sure they understand.


This "free content" idea regularly EXPLODES PEOPLE'S HEADS. They
really, seriously, don't get it. Even when they say they do, they
frequently don't.

The bureaucracy around submitting photos for Wikipedia is a goddamn
pain in the arse ... *but* there are extremely good reasons it came

What's the "shoot on sight" percentage on Commons like now? I
understand it was 10-12% a coupla years ago. (GMaxwell, I vaguely
recall you giving this figure, please correct if I'm wrong.)

- d.

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