2010/5/8 Anthony <wikim...@inbox.org>:
> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Tomasz Ganicz <polime...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well.. maybe... but bear in mind that it is really hard to discuss the
>> pictures you can't see, and commons-delinker bot actions are really
>> difficuilt to revert.
> So fix commons-delinker.  Or shut it off altogether.

Or shut off the Commons. That would be the ultimate solution :-)
Shuting down commons-delinker won't much help, as deleting the picture
on Commons leave the red links on all those projects which were using
the picutre. Thats the idea of Commons - to be the central repository
of multimedia files - which strikes back in an effect - that if you
delete something on Commons you hit not only Commons but also all
those projects which are using it.

Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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