On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Austin Hair <adh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Lodewijk <lodew...@effeietsanders.org> wrote:
>> However, I am missing why it was decided to decrease the size of the
>> logo. It definitely looks more professional, but also somewhat less
>> friendly to me. Maybe it is just me, maybe not - I just would like to
>> understand the rationale first.
>> And is there any chance that the middle horizontal line is made
>> slightly less intense? Right now, the attention is drawn there (at
>> least for me) instead of the open part at the top. It gives me a
>> slight impression as if the bowl is about to burst. Which is of course
>> a valid representation of the truth with all community uproar lately,
>> but I don't think it should be our message :)
> It was jarring at first, and I'll grant that the initial shock
> (seriously, somehow this slipped under my radar entirely) accounts for
> most of my aversion, but I have to agree with Lodewijk.

I think you missed it because it wasn't really discussed before as
part of the vector update... right? I admit I didn't read all the
announcements, but was this discussed/announced earlier?

-- phoebe

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