Rob Lanphier wrote:
> In trying to solve the user interface problems as well as generally figuring
> out how we're going to talk about this feature to the world at large, it
> became clear that the name "Flagged Protections" doesn't adequately describe
> the technology as it looks to readers and editors. It's a tough name to work
> with. This iteration of the technology is very different from the German
> implementation, and there's no "flagging" in the proposed configuration.
> Additionally, "protection" in our world implies "no editing" whereas this
> feature actually opens up pages currently protected so that everyone can
> edit.

Stop, take a deep breath, and look at the big picture: nobody cares.

Most users don't edit. Most users who do edit won't care what the feature is
called. Nobody cares. And I think you're a pretty smart guy who already
realizes this, so I'm curious why there seems to be deliberate
smoke-throwing here.

Please, focus on the important issues and tell whoever is suggesting that
this is one of them to stop erecting pseudo-hurdles that only further delay


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