MZMcBride wrote:

> Stop, take a deep breath, and look at the big picture: nobody cares.
> Most users don't edit. Most users who do edit won't care what the feature is
> called. Nobody cares. And I think you're a pretty smart guy who already
> realizes this, so I'm curious why there seems to be deliberate
> smoke-throwing here.
> Please, focus on the important issues and tell whoever is suggesting that
> this is one of them to stop erecting pseudo-hurdles that only further delay
> deployment.

You've made some valid points on this subject, but with all due
respect, you appear to be tilting at windmills in this instance.

The feature's name is a legitimate concern, and I see no attempt to
erect any hurdles.  (On the contrary, Rob unambiguously noted that
time is of the essence.)

David Levy

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