> From: Milos Rancic <mill...@gmail.com>
> And what about words? Do you think that one devoted
> homophobic
> Christian would be willing to see [relevant] citation
> inside of some
> general article that "Jesus was gay"?
> If it is not acceptable to someone to see pornographic
> content, it is
> highly possible that to that person is not acceptable to
> have
> possibility to read educational materials about sexuality.
> Should we
> put all of those content out of "moderate Wikipedia"?

You're right, it is not just about images. If I set up a censored account for a 
small child, I should be able to set it up in such a way that they won't be 
able to see articles like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hogg_(novel) or 

So, if the child clicks on a wikilink leading there, they would get a screen 
saying, "Sorry, this page is only available to adult accounts."



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