Hi, wiki-list!

> No ethics here then.

Excuse me, what is your complaint? 

I don't really get the point you are trying to make. 

There are few simple things, but apparently you have problems to grasp them :) 

1. Your readership data is not revealed to third parties. Your point "if a UK 
ISP published a list of all its users site visits." is complete bullshit and 
does not apply at all in this discussion.

2. As an editor, you are participating in a collaborative process, which has 
quite a lot of meritocracy, so your contribution to the project matters. The 
crap you are suggesting is "let's make every contribution fully anonymous so 
nobody would be able to track anything". I'm not sure your suggestion would 
work well in Wikipedias. 

3. Pseudonyms are not associated with individuals, unless those individuals 
want those pseudonyms to be associated with them. 

4. Editors are exposed to edit trails all the time, via RecentChanges, 
Special:Contributors, Watchlists, article histories, etc. Such information _is_ 

5. Germans are more sensitive to privacy issues, and they have probably 
strictest privacy laws in the world. OTOH, look at (2).

6. You seem to demand banning underage editing, which is quite important 
Wikipedian demographic :)

7. We have ethics of open collaborative project that is providing knowledge to 
the world. This is not tinfoil hat association. GTFO, if you want to imply that 
we don't have ethics here, just because it doesn't fit your paranoid POV. 

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