John Vandenberg wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:51 AM,  <> wrote:
>> Domas Mituzas wrote:
>>> Hi, wiki-list!
>>>> No ethics here then.
>>> Excuse me, what is your complaint?
>>> I don't really get the point you are trying to make.
>>> There are few simple things, but apparently you have problems to
>>> grasp them :)
>>> 1. Your readership data is not revealed to third parties. Your point
>>> "if a UK ISP published a list of all its users site visits." is
>>> complete bullshit and does not apply at all in this discussion.
>> Your editing history reveals a lot about you.
> Have some respect please.

Why so? Editing history reveals your interests, maybe your politics,
perhaps your religious affiliations, your ethnicity. A whole range of
personal data can be mined from 1000s of edits. It may reveal
associations with other users, and networks of users. Those groupings
may then be traced into social networks like facebook, or linkin.

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