Michael Galvez wrote:
> 2. Once the articles exist in multiple languages, the articles take on a
> life of their own and become out of sync.  If Wikipedians want to keep those
> articles in sync, we would like to help them by enabling section-level
> translation.
I'm guessing that few communities will find it particularly valuable to 
keep a translation in sync, except possibly for language pairs that have 
close affinity and parallel evolution (approaching the point that some 
people would regard them as "merely" dialects). So maybe for a situation 
like translating French articles into Picard, at most. But even 
supposing the Tamil community, as an example, might find it helpful to 
boost their content with translations of English articles, once that's 
been done I can't imagine them wanting those articles perpetually 
reharmonized with changes in the English version. The point of seed 
content is to provide a basis for new life and growth, which by 
necessity must outgrow and cast off the shell in which the seed came. At 
that point, trying to maintain or recreate the shell doesn't 
particularly help further development.

--Michael Snow

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