On Nov 29, 2010, at 9:39 PM, James Alexander <jameso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 12:13 AM, <wjhon...@aol.com> wrote:
>> So it is your belief, that the WMF is not accountable at all to it's
>> volunteers, such as editors?  Just to its donors?
> I prefer contributers or simply the community. Donors, editors,
> admins, volunteers whatever name you want to call them are all part of that.
> Some people can't give monetarily (or don't want to) some can't (or don't
> want to) give with their time. They are all part of the community that
> drives the projects forward.

I'm going to do something I rarely do: try to speak for others.

At the Foundation offices, I think it is safe to say that every one of us feels 
a deep sense of accountability to the mission, to our coworkers, and to 
contributors of all types: financial, knowledge, editor, administrator, 
developer, and to our readers.  

I have never worked with a more focused and intensely mission driven group.  

I say this as the person running the contribution campaign, and as a long term 

To suggest that the WMF (which means what, exactly, in this context?   Staff?  
Mailing list participants?) does not feel accountable to anyone but donors is 
to make a careless generalization, and one that borders on trolling.

The people who make up the staff and the volunteers of our projects are driven 
and give tremendously of their time.  I defy anyone to find me a single one of 
them who only feels accountable to donors.   You can't. I guarantee it.  

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