Op 21-09-11 00:38, Lennart Guldbrandsson schreef:
> Hello,

> (Sorry for cross-posting this.)


> And now, here are the links:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtUJCeWNzw8 (the librarian) (the sign at the
> end says: "When you look up a fact, enter it into Wikipedia as well. Next
> time, it will be you that saves time.")
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-voNMspnU4g (the teacher) ("Wikipedia can be
> a good tool for teaching source criticism and how information is created.
> Learn more about how Wikipedia works.")
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9ovfukCZts (the senior citizen) ("Share what
> you know. Wikipedia is read by hundreds of thousands of people every day.
> Maybe by your grandchild too.")

Great. Suggestion; put those translations also on youtube at the 
description. That is really needed to make any sense if you watch it.

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