Hi Lennart,

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 8:09 PM, Lennart Guldbrandsson
<wikihanni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for your input. They are not late at all. I have worked with
> writing and films for about ten years now, so I do not take your comments
> personally. The only comment that is new is that I should leave the
> director's chair to someone else. If you could be more specific about that,
> I would be grateful.

It's a very fair question and I think you've exposed that my comment
where I sort of "blame it on the director" wasn't thought through or
was just a bit woolly. You listed a number of things wondering whether
I would criticise those and I am pleased to say, no, I didn't think
those things were wrong.

I suppose I felt it would have been the director who would have made
the decision to have in the videos "speaking" parts that would be
rendered in silence. But I guess that may have been a decision a
*writer* would have made.

So, sorry, I should not have made the director comment.

> What we were after were
> not only that people would stand and watch the entire films - it was to make
> the stand more lively than with only text, or worse, with computer code.
> Human movement on screens at the back of the stand were very effective at
> getting people to stop,

OK. Yes, I can see how that would work. I'm sure they worked well for
that. So please feel free only to take my comments as far as you find
them useful and discard anything you feel "missed the point".

To reiterate, I thought the videos looked very polished and professional.


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