Nathan, Is REALLY frustrating when you spend days making a text with a lot
of links to relevant documents and people simply ignore and ask you again
the same thing that is already there. I have enough things to do, answer
things that has already a document to answer isn't one of them.

But let answer you again:

*if not all chapters participate, or if the "discussion" is dominated by a
> few chapters, or if by some measure the Board determines that the selection
> forwarded by the moderators does not sufficiently represent the Chapters,
> is there any thought to refusing to certify under these circumstances?
> *

If only a handful of chapters participate in the discussion, there is no
"consensus among chapters" and therefore we will have a vote.If not enough
chapters vote in the determined time, we will prorogue the vote until they
do... and only them we will tell the Board we have a result. We all know
how to identify a consensus, don't worry.

*Board members, however they are selected, represent the Wikimedia
> Foundation and the whole "community" or movement. My question is - if the
> 38 chapters represent only a small portion of the whole of Wikimedia...
> *

I'm sorry but last Chapters Seat Election had more participants than the
Community seats election... if you want to compare, we should get rid of
Community election seats, not the chapters one.

*Is it really appropriate for Chapters to continue to have a role in
> filling Board seats? This isn't really a process question, per se, so I
> understand if you (Beria) decline to weigh in directly.
> *

Change WMF bylaws and the way they select Board members, and you can get
rid of Chapters seats.
*Béria Lima*
<>(351) 925 171 484

*Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
construir esse sonho. <>*

On 1 February 2012 13:47, Nathan <> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Béria Lima <> wrote:
> >
> > *Is there some threshold for participation beneath which the current
> Board
> > > might refuse to certify the results? *
> >
> > I do really LOVE when you people ask questions that has already been
> > answered by a document, but let's quote again (again from
> >
> >
> > ):
> >
> >
> > * Chapter-selected members must meet the requirements of applicable state
> > or federal law for Board membership. In the event that a candidate is
> > selected who does not meet the requirements of Subsection (A) or other
> > requirements of these Bylaws, or of applicable state or federal law, the
> > Board will (i) not approve the selected candidate, (ii) declare a vacancy
> > on the Board, and (iii) request that the chapters select a new Trustee to
> > fill the resulting vacancy, subject to this section and to Section 6
> > below.*
> >
> >
> >
> I appreciate your always helpful tone. In this case, I didn't ask what
> would happen if someone not legally qualified to be a Board member was
> selected by the chapters. I asked a different question, linked a prior one
> - if not all chapters participate, or if the "discussion" is dominated by a
> few chapters, or if by some measure the Board determines that the selection
> forwarded by the moderators does not sufficiently represent the Chapters,
> is there any thought to refusing to certify under these circumstances?
> >
> > > *Are we really sure that the chapters represent enough Wikimedians to
> > > merit two seats on the Board selected in such an opaque manner?*
> > >
> >
> > We are representing *Chapters* here, not the community (always good to
> > remember) and yes, there is enough people in chapters to make that a
> > representative election.
> >
> Board members, however they are selected, represent the Wikimedia
> Foundation and the whole "community" or movement. My question is - if the
> 38 chapters represent only a small portion of the whole of Wikimedia, and
> their selections are being made in such a way (and concerns ridiculed, by
> the way, as the product of "process-lovers"), is it really appropriate for
> Chapters to continue to have a role in filling Board seats? This isn't
> really a process question, per se, so I understand if you (Beria) decline
> to weigh in directly.
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