I concur this. In this particular case I think Board members should make
their stand clear. Mono is great Project and should exist, Java is also
superior development platform. But they have issues that *might* harm
Free GNOME. I wanted to put that question into Question List because
from last years' discussions, and this years' discussion as well I can
say that most users are wondering about this subject to be clear. It's
fortunate that someone brought this issue. I would like see Stallman to
share his opinions on this issue with details as an article or mail to
the list to enlight issue. 

Btw, maybe it's better for marketting team or Board to lead a road, and
start a work to clear possible patents in GNOME. If there's any that's
conflicting with other ISVs' possible threats and let developers try to
solve those conflicts. And at last announce GNOME as a patent free
environment. I'm just thinking aloud and I have no idea if it's possible
to do such a work. Not to mention patent issue is USA specific
On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 10:49 -0500, Richard M. Stallman wrote:
>     I guess it's the board's job to make sure that some kind of leadership 
>     exists, but it's definitely not the board's place to make that kind of 
>     decision. Otherwise someone would be asking prospective board members 
>     whether they though Mono should be added to the bindings, and Beagle to 
>     the platform.
> Most technical questions are technical issues, and there is no need
> for the board to concern itself with them.  But this one is an
> exception.  Although the question is technical in form, the issue is
> more legal and political than technical.  It concerns questions such
> as the impact of possible patents.  Thus, it is a really a matter of
> GNOME legal policy.
> I think this is precisely the kind of question which the board should
> decide.
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