In what way does moving to C# serve Microsoft?

Because it supports their strategy, and the goal of their strategy is
to wipe us out.

Aside from Portable.NET and Mono, the only support for C# is that of
Microsoft.  Theirs is surely more advanced than ours, and is likely to
remain so, even as we make our best efforts.  So if C# becomes
popular, that works in Microsoft's interest--which generally means,
against ours.

There is also, as you mentioned, the danger that Microsoft will use
its patents to forbid us to implement many aspects of C#.  It is true
that the danger of patents can come from anywhere and affect any free
program.  However, danger is more likely in some places than others.
Microsoft has a stated its intention to attack us, and has already
tried using patents to exclude us from implementing its formats and
protocols.  We cannot avoid all danger from software patents, just as
we can't avoid all chance of being robbed on the street; but we would
do well to avoid walking into particularly dangerous neighborhoods
like this one.

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