The meeting minutes for the June 10th GNOME Foundation board meeting
is now published.  Refer here:

Other past board meetings are archived here:

-- text of the latest minutes follows --

Minutes for Meeting of Jun 10, 2010

Next Meeting

    * June 24, 2010


    * Brian Cameron
    * Diego Escalante Urrelo
    * Germán Póo-Caamaño
    * Jorge Castro
    * Paul Cutler
    * Rosanna Yuen
    * Srinivasa Ragavan
    * Stormy Peters
    * Vincent Untz



Recurring Items

    * Review past action items.
    * Did each person with action items send their status reports to
      the board list before the meeting?
    * Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were published
      to foundation-announce and foundation-list.
    * Make sure to start up the gobby server for better note taking.
    * Update website.

New Items

    * Annual Report
          o The annual report is coming together. Most of the articles
            are now actively being worked on.
          o The one missing piece is the Financial Report.
          o Plan to have the Annual Report ready for printing on July
          o ACTION: Germán will help Paul put together the Financial
            Report for the Annual Report.

    * Sysadmin
          o There are several candidates who have applied.
          o Currently working to start the interview process.

    * Linaro
          o ACTION: Jorge will introduce Stormy to some Linaro folks to
            see if GNOME can more effectively work with them.

    * Ronaldo Padula (Loja Geek Depto Comercial) is making arrangements
      to sell GNOME branded merchandise
          o Ronaldo Padula is agreeable with a 10% royalty fee.
          o Arrangements need to be made to work out how Ronaldo will
            send profits to the GNOME Foundation
          o ACTION: Diego to ask Jonh to investigate how Ronaldo Padula
            (Loja Geek Depto Comercial) should send profits to the
            GNOME Foundation.

    * Nokia arrangement and plans to coordinate with consulting firms
          o Stormy and Vincent will have meetings during LinuxTag to
            determine key items to work on.

    * Philosophy update
          o There was a meeting to update the latest draft, and the
            documents have been reworded.
          o There will be a final review with the advisory board, and
            then it can be announced.

    * Copyright Policy
          o There was another round of conversations and updates to the
            copyright policy.
          o ACTION: Vincent to follow up with Rick Spencer on the
            updated copyright policy and then send to the advisory

    * Co-locating in 2011
          o Received four bids
          o next week = we collect questions from the board;
          o the week after = bidders answer our questions with
          o the week after = we publish the bids and ask for feedback
            to the membership;
          o the week after = we interview the bidders
          o and then we decide the week of July 19th

    * GNOME Foundation credit card
          o Rosanna has an appointment for next Wednesday to acquire a
            GNOME Foundation credit card.

          o Update: Richard Stallman will be doing a keynote along with
            Mark Shuttleworth.

    * ACTION: Vincent will help Stormy collect names of possible
      speakers for the GULEV Free & Open Source Software Conference
      2010" (GFOSSCon) to be held in Cancún, MX.

Completed Actions

    * Germán - Will do the needful to make the bid for GUADEC public.
          o Not possible. The organization denied making the bid
            public. There was information provided by the Municipality
            and they did not give permission to use the information in
            public. Their argument is that it would undermine their
            competitive position with regard to other cities if their
            documentation would become generally available. The most we
            have is that we may use parts of the text for the
            conference website, but not put the whole thing online
    * Paul - Will provide the board update in a week to the Board with
      a list of articles and percentage completed for the Annual Report.
    * Paul - Will send an Annual Report update by May 16th.
    * Stormy - Will discuss the opportunity to fund Mobile projects on
      the GNOME mobile mailing list to determine the best way to
      coordinate and make use of these resources.
    * Stormy - Will send an update to the board to highlight the Women
      Outreach Program plans under discussion.
    * Stormy - Will schedule a meeting to discuss and create the GTK+
    * Stormy - Will send out the announcement for the sysadmin job.
    * Vincent - To ask Fernando to blog about how the training went at
    * Vincent - Organize the interview team for sysadmin. ONGOING: we
      have three people in the team, we are improving the job
      description, and we will hopefully be able to announce the job
      next week. DONE: The interview team is now active!
    * Vincent - To mail to all board candidates that the board meeting
      at GUADEC will be on Sunday. DONE just after the meeting.

Status of action items

    * Brian - Get information about what should be in an "Employee
      Handbook". Draft approved by board. Now under review by the GNOME
      legal team.
    * Brian - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James
      Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
    * Brian - Will track progress of GNOME.Asia event organization.
    * Diego - Taken over from Stormy. Will work with Gil Forcada from and gnome-marketing to define the best way for
      organizations like to participate in the GNOME
      community. Not many replies from the community. Diego will draft
      something more concrete for gnome-marketing to determine the best
      name and process for managing this. Discussion on-going in
    * Germán - Will share the financial data that was provided to the
      advisory board to foundation-list.
    * Germán - Will follow up with Shaun McCance about how the board
      can help with his proposal for funding developer documentation.
    * Germán - Will talk with the GUADEC organizers to find out what
      happened as a result of the discussion about the terms and
    * Jorge - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to
      use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent. Look at the
      archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the
      GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them.
    * Paul - Will send an email to the foundation-list and the gnucash
      list seeking someone to take over the GnuCash automation. Taken
      over from Behdad.
    * Paul - Will lead putting together the GNOME Annual Report.
    * Paul - Will reschedule the GNOME Foundation IRC meeting.
    * Paul - Will follow up with Germán about the financial data for
      the Annual Report.
    * Paul - Will talk to the sysadmin team about setting up a gobby
      server for the GNOME Foundation board to use for minute taking.
    * Paul/Germán - Automate the process of entering PayPal information
      into GnuCash. Taken over from Behdad.
    * Rosanna - Research the GNOME Guidestar website and update if
      necessary. Rosanna sent an update about the status of Guidestar,
      but work is still needed. Need to find someone to keep the
      website up-to-date.
    * Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card. Status: Filled
      out initial application, have appointment next Wednesday with the
      bank to continue process.
    * Srini - Follow up with potential sponsors for the co-located
      summit in 2011.
    * Stormy - To schedule a meeting with companies that do consulting
      work with GNOME to start discussions on how we can help (how can
      we work together). Sent email. Got a couple of positive
      responses. Will follow up with others and schedule a meeting.
    * Stormy - To follow up with the Advisory Board about acquiring a
      second machine. Email sent, but no response yet.
    * Stormy - Set up a Euro bank account.
    * Stormy - To follow up with LiMo.
    * Stormy - To finish following up with Orbitz to find out if the
      GNOME Foundation can pre-purchase travel tickets.
    * Stormy - Will write a proposal how to spend the money from Nokia
      to improve GNOME mobility based on discussion.
    * Stormy/Vincent - Will ping the GULEV Free & Open Source Software
      Conference 2010 organizers and provide them with a list of
      potential GNOME speakers in Mexico.
    * Vincent - Update the blog and planet to highlight that people are
      expected to sign and follow the GNOME Code of Conduct. BLOCKED:
      Waiting for Jorge's action on Code of Conduct.
    * Vincent - Follow-up with Intel to determine what to do about
      copyright assignment for clutter. Waiting for an official update
      from Intel.
    * Vincent - Follow up with Michael Meeks and Bradley Kuhn to see if
      there is an interest in defining a policy the release team can
      follow to know whether a project with a copyright assignment
      requirement can be accepted or not. What sorts of copyright
      assignments are acceptable? ONGOING: draft updated again.
      Probably need a last pass with adboard.
    * Vincent - Create a Philosophy page on the GNOME Wiki. ONGOING:
      need to solidify the wiki page a bit.
    * Vincent - Announce that the Speaker Guidelines are approved.
      ONGOING: final version ready. Need to send a mail + blog about

New Action Items

    * Diego - To ask Jonh to investigate how Ronaldo Padula (Loja Geek
      Depto Comercial) should send profits to the GNOME Foundation.
    * Germán - Will help Paul put together the Financial Report for the
      Annual Report.
    * Jorge - Will reach out to Linaro to see if GNOME can more
      effectively work with them.
    * Vincent - To follow up with Rick Spencer on the updated copyright
      policy and then send to the advisory board.
    * Vincent - Will help Stormy collect names of possible speakers for
      GULEV Free & Open Source Software Conference 2010" (GFOSSCon) to
      be held in Cancún, MX.

Discussed on the mailing list

    * The GNOME Foundation sysadmin job position was announced and made
    * The board has received several applications for the sysadmin
      position, and is starting the process of reviewing and planning
    * Some bids for hosting the Desktop Summit in 2011 were received.
    * Discussion about the work needed to finish the Annual Report.
      Paul provided an update.
    * Discussion about the GUADEC budget.
    * Ongoing negotiations with Ronaldo Padula (Loja Geek Depto
      Comercial) about the terms of him selling GNOME branded
      merchandise in Brazil.
    * Ongoing discussion about how to best spend the money Nokia
      provided to improve GNOME mobile.
    * Ongoing discussion about putting together a GTK RoadMap. Javier
      Jardón crafted a draft:
    * Richard Stallman encouraged a stronger free software message in
      GNOME.Asia materials.
    * There was a complaint about artwork at, and
      the board is discussing how to best respond.
    * Zach Frey contacted the board to say that he is unable to
      continue working on the Texas Instruments Zoom2 device that the
      GNOME Foundation provided to him (refer to the April 15th
      minutes). The board will work with Zach to either have the unit
      sent to the next candidate or back to the GNOME Foundation.
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