Foundation Community:

You let us know overwhelmingly that ensuring that GNOME 3 is a success
is the #1 priority that the GNOME Foundation should be working on
according to the survey Stormy ran last January.[1]

Although this is clearly a high priority, there has been very little
discussion on the foundation-list about what this means, how the GNOME
Foundation community could better work together to ensure that GNOME 3
is a success, or about GNOME 3 in general for that matter.  Therefore,
I think it would be good to have some discussion about this amongst
the Foundation members and to think about what we can be doing as a
community to help in this area.

To help in this area, the GNOME Foundation has already been working on
the following:

- Organizing hackfests of relevance to GNOME 3.
- Promoting GNOME 3 at events whether this is done by Stormy, board
  members, or others by arrangement of the GNOME Foundation.
- Negotiating with advisory board members to make sure we are on track
  for GNOME 3, and working with them to resolve issues they may have
  with updating.
- Preparing GNOME 3 Marketing Materials.
- Working with the press and media to promote GNOME 3.
- Managing coordination between teams where there are issues.
- Managing communication on various forums.

It would be good if we could get some feedback from the community
about the following:

- How are we doing with the above tasks?  Any suggestions about
  what we could be doing more effectively.
- What additional things can the GNOME Foundation community do to
  help ensure that GNOME 3 is a success?
- The GNOME Foundation has been working to ensure that the right
  information about GNOME 3 is being made available.  Much of the
  work done so far has been in relation to marketing.  It would
  be helpful to get some perspective from the community about
  what more we can do to ensure that the right information is
  being broadcast to the right forums.  What are people's
  expectations for success in this area?
- There has been some suggestion that the GNOME Foundation could
  get more involved with helping the release team.  However, it
  is not clear what this might involve.  So if people have any
  suggestions, it would be good to hear about.


Lastly, I would like to encourage people to consider getting more
involved to help.  For example:

- The marketing team could use help putting together the GNOME 3
  marketing plans and materials.  Consider joining the mailing list and helping out.
- The documentation team is surely feeling the burden of updating
  all the GNOME documentation for the new release.  Consider
  joining the mailing list and helping out.
- Any other suggestions of teams that particularly need help at this
  time to help make GNOME 3 a success?




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