On 04/15/2011 12:39 PM, Martyn Russell wrote:
Hi all,

On 12/04/11 03:00, Brian Cameron wrote:

The meeting minutes for the March 29th GNOME Foundation board
meeting is now published. Refer here:


Other past board meetings are archived here:


-- text of the latest minutes follows --

Minutes for Meeting of March 29th, 2011

Thank you for the minutes Brian.

* Johannes Schmid informed the board that at the Toronto hackfest
that they discussed about an organization that decided to use Qt
instead of GTK+ mainly because they were able to get a support
contract for Qt. Therefore we thought it might be a good idea to
give interested companies a chance to present themselves as
commercial support options on developer.gnome.org. Perhaps via
some "Get support" link. Do we have any response?
o ACTION: Andreas - Will discuss with Ryan Lortie providing
support contracts for GTK+.

Can I ask why the ACTION above says you will discuss with Ryan about
providing support contracts for GTK+? Why not a mailing list with
companies that have GTK+ or GLib core maintainers (perhaps GNOME in
general even)?
I said on the phone that I would briefly check the idea with Ryan since we shared a room in Bangalore (I was there when we had the board meeting). That's about as serious as it was.
Sorry if the action item sounded more serious than it was.
This totally needs to be brought up more broadly. What list would be best?
- Andreas
foundation-list mailing list

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