On 18/04/11 18:01, Martyn Russell wrote:
On 18/04/11 16:34, Stormy Peters wrote:
I think we can list companies with some objective data.

So we could list companies that do work associated with GNOME/GTK+ along
with data like:
* what areas they consider their expertise,
* past clients with testimonials (assuming appropriate permissions),
* links to work done (again with appropriate permission) or code they
wrote or are responsible for,
* links to their involvement with GNOME
* people that work with them that are involved in GNOME,
* GNOME Foundation advisory board,
* employees that are GNOME Foundation members,
* GNOME related talks they've given,
* GNOME related training they are involved with
* etc

I think this is a great idea.

It may make sense to start with Dave's map of companies presented at
least year's GUADEC and correct from there.

Something to consider though, companies are likely coming to GNOME
looking for expertise in a project, not a company, so the focus needs to
be more aligned to what they will be looking for IMO.

The next question is, where do we host this data and who maintains it?

No comments from anyone on this?

I could put something a bold on the gtk.org website, but I would rather we had something more centralised on gnome.org for all companies?

I get the feeling there isn't much interest in this?

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