On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 14:59 +0100, Allan Day wrote:
> That said, some questions:
>  * Do you have any concrete ideas of what 'strong and coordinated
> technical leadership' would involve? It sounds very nice and all, but
> I'd like to hear some specifics before I cast my vote. ;)
>  * If you are elected, you will have to fulfill your role as a board
> member, yet you have not mentioned anything to do with your suitability
> for this post. Indeed, it almost makes me think that you are unsuitable
> for the position! So, do you think you will be able to do a good job in
> the day to day running of the Foundation?

To be honest, that's something we (myself as a member of the Board, and
Ryan) have been discussing over the past couple of weeks. I would think
that it does need to be discussed, but I don't think that I agree with
Ryan's assertion that a "technical board" is needed. I poked holes in
his proposal, and I'm sure we'll discuss it more in private before
putting the results forward for discussion within the community.

>  * I presume that your candidacy is an attempt to gain a mandate for the
> changes you are proposing, yet I wonder whether it will count for much
> without the support of the release team and maintainers. Have you had
> any discussions with either of the above about your ideas?

I would hope it doesn't give a mandate, as the proposals seem hazy at
best right now.

>  * Following on from the above: do you think that you personally need to
> be on the board for these changes to take place? Why not just get a
> discussion going and come up with a plan?

I'd also be interested in knowing that :)


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