On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 13:51 -0400, Ryan Lortie wrote:
> hi Philip,
> (keeping in mind that creating a technical board is very much an open
> question)
> On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 19:48 +0200, Philip Van Hoof wrote: 
> > - Will all foundation members get a single vote?
> That was indeed my intention.
> I think your other proposals are too difficult to implement and possibly
> even undesirable. Do you have some others ideas about how it might be
> possible?

Yes I think that a project should get a vote and that its maintainer
could be assigned to decide how the project will vote.

I also think that a company having five or more developers assigned to
working on GNOME modules is in my opinion a formidable stakeholder who
should get votes per group of (let's say) five such developers. A
substantial amount of work should be done yearly by each developer, of
course. How to measure this is something I have no immediate idea for
(amount of bugs fixed, amount of commits, features, involvement at other
places, consensus, etc). I'm sure other people will have ideas (and
measuring can always be improved at a later time).

I think that event sponsors and other sponsors should not get a vote
(for the technical board), but they could or should be involved in
Foundation matters. Although I believe that this is De Facto already the

I'm afraid that letting only foundation members get votes that populism
or time-of-the-year "voting" can cause a too big changes to the project.
It's good to have other stakeholders involved too (in my opinion).

Projects and companies putting human resources at work on GNOME modules
are in my opinion important stakeholders, and I think we should respect
their right to be involved in forming technical boards.

ps. A vote does not mean being part of the technical board, but it makes
it possible for you to vote for your representative (of course).




Philip Van Hoof
freelance software developer
Codeminded BVBA - http://codeminded.be

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