On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 08:24 +0200, Frederic Peters wrote:
> Hello all,
> GNOME OS has been mentioned and questioned repeatedly in recent
> discussions on desktop-devel-list, about its definition itself[1],
> and the changing (or not?) role of the GNOME project with regards
> to distributions (based or not on the Linux kernel).
> What are your thougths on this?[2]

I'd rather not expand on the subject as part of answering questions as a
candidate to the Board.

>  Do you think this is a foundation
> job to answer those questions? If not, is this a responsibility of the
> release team? Or something that is best left unanswered, as pieces are
> put into positions by different persons?

It's neither the Board's nor the Release Team's decision, in my opinion,
to drive the project technically. The project, and the community that
drives the project in particular, are the ones in charge of where they
want the project to go.

If you're asking me, and my fellow candidates, whether you think there
might be push-back from partners, Advisory Board members, or
distributions on this, I don't think so.

The goal of the "GNOME OS" part of the timeline is to ensure that GNOME
as a desktop doesn't block on other parts of the infrastructure, and
provides a complete and integrated experience. That doesn't stop people
from using bits of the GNOME stack for their applications, or special
cases. That also doesn't stop people from using other distributions,
Unices, or kernels from adapting GNOME for them (or their code for GNOME
in some cases), it probably just wouldn't provide the same experience.


> [1] http://live.gnome.org/GnomeOS doesn't help, the only laid out
>     plan I know was in Jon McCann "Shell Yes!" talk at GUADEC (now
>     locked on slideshare.net)
> [2] this question comes first but in terms of candidacies to the
>     board, I believe the next ones are even more important.
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