On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Frederic Peters <fpet...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> GNOME OS has been mentioned and questioned repeatedly in recent
> discussions on desktop-devel-list, about its definition itself[1],
> and the changing (or not?) role of the GNOME project with regards
> to distributions (based or not on the Linux kernel).
> What are your thougths on this?[2] Do you think this is a foundation
> job to answer those questions? If not, is this a responsibility of the
> release team? Or something that is best left unanswered, as pieces are
> put into positions by different persons?

I think it's up to the GNOME community to decide. However, I think the GNOME
project lacks a common, well communicated technical vision. I think many
people are doing great things but even if we don't all agree on one vision
for the future, we do need to decide which ideas or visions we want the
GNOME Foundation to promote. Is GNOME a set of technologies that we want
other distros and mobile solution providers to use? Is it GNOME if it's not
the GNOME desktop? Are the technologies a subset of GNOME? Should it be an
OS? Once we have answers we are willing to talk about, it will be much
easier to work with other projects and companies.

I don't think we have to have a common, defined vision, but I think it would
be good. While I think it unlikely we will all agree completely, I think
having a vision that we communicate will get us a lot further towards our
goal of a free and accessible desktop.

And I do think our vision should be expanded to be much more than "desktop".
At the very least it should include mobile devices. But I think the board's
role is to help start and facilitate those discussions and then help
communicate the results to all our (new and existing) partners.


> Thanks,
>        Fred
> [1] http://live.gnome.org/GnomeOS doesn't help, the only laid out
>    plan I know was in Jon McCann "Shell Yes!" talk at GUADEC (now
>    locked on slideshare.net)
> [2] this question comes first but in terms of candidacies to the
>    board, I believe the next ones are even more important.
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