
My name is Stathis and I'm from Greece. I'm 37 (had birthday 2 days ago).
My profession is Farm Animal Manager and now I study Veterinary Medicine.

I use Linux since 2006. Although I started using Kubuntu, after 2-3 months I turn it to Gnome.
My distros were Ubuntu, Fedora and lately openSUSE using Gnome 3.
I served Fedora as ambassador for a year and now I serve openSUSE as ambassador and marketing member.

In the past, I made some talks about FOSS and Fedora and lately I made some talks as openSUSE member. I'm one of the few Greek openSUSE members of our community who use Gnome.

Lately I made some presentations about Greek Gnome Community and Gnome 3 to conferences around Greece. I also help Greek Community with social media. I'm involved with Gnome Marketing in Greece. Although marketing it's not my major, I read a lot of books about that are very helpful.

I'm fired up to help promote Gnome in Greece.
Have a lot of fun!
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