2012/10/4 Bryen M Yunashko <susero...@bryen.com>

> On Thu, 2012-10-04 at 17:57 +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:
> > I've been a long time GIMPNET user and tried to propose multiple ideas
> > without success and without receiving a good rationale about why
> > things couldn't change. I've seen many people using home-hosted bots
> > to administer channels, I've seen people having to join #opers
> > multiple times to request an OP status or a simple channel update and
> > I feel it's time to find a solution.
> >
> I agree with the frustrations you list with GIMPNET usage.  But, I'm not
> sure I agree with the "home-hosted" bots rationale.  While a number of
> bots are there as a workaround for some of the limitations in GIMPNET,
> home-hosted bots will always be present, even on Freenode.
> > What's currently missing on the GIMPNET network:
> >
> > - services. (there's no nickserv, chanserv at all)
> > - TOR is banned. (there is no way to hide your hostmask if you run
> > your IRC client from your home connection)
> > - SSL is not enabled, so all conversations happen in plain text. (even
> > private ones, yeah)
> > - even having a bot administering a channel, setting up its access
> > list is hard with a dynamic IP and DNS. (you can use a wildcard, true,
> > but that will result in someone spoofing your identity if he just
> > wants to)
> >
> > So, the question is, should we migrate away to another network? (like
> > Freenode) or is there a way for GIMPNET to improve its services?
> I'd rather see GIMPNET improve its features than go over to Freenode.
> Reason being, GNOME is a large project and it is much easier to see what
> interesting channels there are in relation to GNOME than to try to scan
> through the list of Freenode channels because just about every channel
> in GIMPNET is GNOME-related (or is presumed to be.)

Name clashes are a minor point when you compare it to the isolation issue
that we have with the rest of the community. ALL of the open source
community that does IRC is on Freenode, actually some GNOME realted sutff
like gstreamer prefers to stay on Freenode, I don't think there are many
name clashes with the current active channels and those present in
Freenode, plus most of us already hang out in Freenode.

I'd give a huge +1000 if we moved over to Freenode.

> Bryen
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