I see many people have expressed their consensus in this, thus I'll
defer the decision to the Board. Thanks to anyone sending a mail about
this concern.



2012/10/4 Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org>:
> I've been a long time GIMPNET user and tried to propose multiple ideas
> without success and without receiving a good rationale about why
> things couldn't change. I've seen many people using home-hosted bots
> to administer channels, I've seen people having to join #opers
> multiple times to request an OP status or a simple channel update and
> I feel it's time to find a solution.
> What's currently missing on the GIMPNET network:
> - services. (there's no nickserv, chanserv at all)
> - TOR is banned. (there is no way to hide your hostmask if you run
> your IRC client from your home connection)
> - SSL is not enabled, so all conversations happen in plain text. (even
> private ones, yeah)
> - even having a bot administering a channel, setting up its access
> list is hard with a dynamic IP and DNS. (you can use a wildcard, true,
> but that will result in someone spoofing your identity if he just
> wants to)
> So, the question is, should we migrate away to another network? (like
> Freenode) or is there a way for GIMPNET to improve its services?
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