
= Minutes for Meeting of May 28th, 2013, 15:00 UTC =
== Next Meeting ==
 * Tuesday, June 11th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Seif Lotfy (late)
 * Joanmarie Diggs

=== Regrets ===
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Karen Sandler

== Board Meeting Agenda ==
 * GUADEC 2013
  * Update on GUADEC 2013
   * 3 keynotes confirmed. The 4th is still pending.
   * Papers commitee are waiting for people confirming
   * '''ACTION''': Emmanuele to send an email reminding accepted
speakers to confirm presence, and to contact the travel committee for
   * Letters of invitation for people needing visas.

 * GUADEC Travel Budget
  * Germán via the Travel Commitee asked what the travel budget for
GUADEC 2013 will be.
  * Previous years: EUR 30,000
   * Currently running under budget
   * '''ACTION''': Shaun to look at the budget for an extra allocation
for the travel committee
  * '''VOTE''': Allocate EUR 30,000 for the travel committee for
travel sponsorship: unanymous
  * '''ACTION''': Joanie to contact travel commitee about the
allocated budget for travel sponsorship

 * Board and Adboard meetings at GUADEC
  * We need to decide on the days and time for the board and adboard
meetings at GUADEC based on availability of board members and adboard
  * Constraints:
   * Avoid core days, to prevent collisions with talks
   * Possibly avoid extra days, to prevent collisions with BoF sessions
   * Possible dates: Tuesday, July 30 (Board) and Wednesday, July 31 (Adboard)
   * Possible venue: Red Hat offices in Brno, needs confirmation with local team
   * '''ACTION''': Andreas to contact the adboard members with the
date of the meeting at GUADEC for feedback
   * '''ACTION''': Andreas to contact the local team for securing the
venue for the board and adboard meetings at GUADEC

 * Montreal Summit
  * We received a offer from Ryan Lortie to hold the summit at the
Montreal Canonical offices.
  * Space requirements are usually small for the summit attendance
   * But we usually need more smaller rooms for breakaway sessions
  * We also have volunteers from the community, but no word on a venue
  * We can also check with Collabora if they can help securing the
university venue that we had two years ago
  * '''ACTION''': Andreas to contact Ryan to coordinate with the local
volunteers for securing a venue in Montreál for the summit by August
  * '''ACTION''': Seif to contact Collabora to ask if they can help
with securing a venue in Montreál for the summit

 * NET + GNOME Hackfest 2013:
  * David Nielsen sent an e-mail to the board asking for help with a
.NET GNOME 3 Hackfest in October.
  * They are talking with sponsors, but would appreciate help with
that from the board too.
  * No further update

 * Maps hackfest budget request
  * Requested travel sponsorship of 263 USD for one person.
  * '''VOTE''': Allocate 263 USD for the Maps hackfest travel
sponsorship: unanymous
  * '''ACTION''': Andreas to contact Zeeshan to notify the travel
sponsorship approval for the Maps hackfest

 * Donated hardware
  * Intel OTC donated 6 Chrome Pixels to GNOME to work on high
resolution display support
  * Another Pixel has been donated by Brion Vibber
  * The laptops have been sent to Shell and toolkit developers
  * The Board wishes to thank Intel and Brion for their donations

 * Annual Report update
  * Andreas is still working on the design
  * We should be able to hand it out to the adboard meeting at GUADEC

 * Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
  * Joanie put together her thoughts on the issue in a lenghty e-mail.
She also sent a shorter version of her proposal to the travel
   * Short version: have travel organized by each event organizer
   * Budget requests go directly to the board
   * Bank details should only be seen by Rosanna
  * Discussed on the mailing list
   * Discussion still ongoing
   * We are still waiting for more feedback after GUADEC
  * Reworking the travel policy before GUADEC would be problematic
  * Latest update to the proposal: have a single responsible for
interfacing the board with the event organizers that require travel
   * Not to handle travel requests per se, mostly to act as a point of contact
  * '''ACTION''': Joanie to draft a new travel assistance form to
replace the current one

 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
  * General maintenance

 * Treasurer
  * Shaun is not running again
  * Kat is volunteering to take the position if she is elected
  * Shaun and Kat may meet after the elections have been finalized but
before the official appointment
  * Shaun would like to handle the transition in person, if possible,
to give Kat an overview of the budget process
  * Should probably involve Karen to check for legal/bylaws objections

== Discussed on the mailing list ==
 * Debashi Ray reached out to the board asking for legal advice
regarding GNOME Online Accounts and Flickr icons & trademarks

== Completed Actions ==
 * Andreas to change mentions of Gobby to Etherpad in the wiki.
 * Karen to notify attendees of the Marketing Hackfest that the
requested budget was approved.
 * Karen to send an email to David Nielsen for an update on the dotNET
hackfest proposal
 * Karen to send the agenda for the Advisory board meeting
 * Andreas and Karen to contact Andrea about reliability of gobby,
restore from backups, etc.

== New Action Items ==
 * Emmanuele to send an email reminding accepted speakers to confirm
presence, and to contact the travel committee for sponsorship
 * Shaun to look at the budget for an extra allocation for the travel committee
 * Joanie to contact travel commitee about the allocated budget for
travel sponsorship
 * Andreas to contact the adboard members with the date of the meeting
at GUADEC for feedback
 * Andreas to contact the local team for securing the venue for the
board and adboard meetings at GUADEC
 * Andreas to contact Ryan to coordinate with the local volunteers for
securing a venue in Montreál for the summit by August
 * Seif to contact Collabora to ask if they can help with securing a
venue in Montreál for the summit
 * Andreas to contact Zeeshan to notify the travel sponsorship
approval for the Maps hackfest
 * Joanie to draft a new travel assistance form to replace the current one

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