On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Allan Day <allanp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:
>>> My stance is that I am happy for them (or anyone) to include GNOME in their
>>> product. They have permission (IIRC) to name it "something GNOME". So it's a
>>> different product, i.e. not "GNOME". I am happy if they use our logo. I'd be
>>> more happy if they also silghtly modify the logo as they slightly modified 
>>> the
>>> name. I assume it's relatively low effort and helps us to defend improper 
>>> usage
>>> in the future and them to differentiate their product. If it's not low 
>>> effor to
>>> slightly modify the logo, then I might come to a different conclusion.
>> I totally agree Toby.
> This is pretty much my position, although I'd probably weight my
> preference for modifying the logo a bit more strongly. (There's
> clearly been some miscommunication here.) Of course Ubuntu GNOME
> should be able to use the logo - I was just arguing that they
> shouldn't *just* use the GNOME logo [1].

And, once again, I have to ask, how much different does it have/need
to be? It is slightly different already, in Ubuntu's normal scheme for
spinoffs - if you look at Xubuntu's logo its a solid circle with the
XFCE mouse inside in relief, Kubuntu's is a solid circle with KDE's
logo inside. This is the standard Ubuntu flavor logo. Why does Ubuntu
GNOME's need to be different?

> Allan
> [1] It's a useful thought exercise to think about what would happen if
> openSUSE (to pick an example) wanted to launch "openSUSE GNOME", btw.
> In this case they'd differentiate themselves from "Ubuntu GNOME",
> etc...
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