Hi Oliver,

On 15 May 2014 20:51, Oliver Propst <oliver.pro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Name: Oliver Propst
> Email: oliver.pro...@gmail.com
> Affiliation: None
> Dear foundation members I want to announce my candidacy for the GNOME
> Board of Directors.
> I have been contributing as part of the Engagement Team since 2010,
> recently I have been involved with the GUADEC 2015 Gothenburg bid and
> the Annual Report.
> I think that free software never have more important then now and if
> we as a community can get together and do the necessary work the
> greatest future of GNOME lay ahead of us.
> I have two years of experience of being on the non-for profit FSCONS
> board (FSCONS, the free software conference in Gothenburg that Karen
> keynoted last year). More info about me (including occupation) can be
> found here [1].
> In the upcoming year I like to continue explore growth/collaborations
> opportunities for the foundation and investigate the benefits of a
> possible WC3 membership [2].

In early 2013, the board briefly investigated W3C membership, but the
costs were somewhat prohibitive and Karen had an action item to
investigate funding options, which seems to have fallen through the
cracks. The cost of a W3C membership is 7,900 USD and there is
extensive information available on their website at
http://www.w3.org/Consortium/membership . What benefits do you feel
that joining the W3C will bring to GNOME and how would you approach
sustainable raising the funding for the membership fees?

> I would also want to work for the Board to have a stronger and more
> public profile (especially in light of the current situation where we
> have no ED).
> 1 https://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/2014-April/msg00116.html
> 2 http://www.w3.org/
> --
> -mvh Oliver Propst
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