On 20 May 2014 15:00, Karen Sandler <ka...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On 2014-05-20 09:48, Oliver Propst wrote:
>> On Tue, 2014-05-20 at 13:19 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
>> Hi Oliver,
>> On 15 May 2014 20:51, Oliver Propst <oliver.pro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Name: Oliver Propst
>> > Email: oliver.pro...@gmail.com
>> > Affiliation: None
>> >
>> > Dear foundation members I want to announce my candidacy for the GNOME
>> > Board of Directors.
>> >
>> > I have been contributing as part of the Engagement Team since 2010,
>> > recently I have been involved with the GUADEC 2015 Gothenburg bid and
>> > the Annual Report.
>> >
>> > I think that free software never have more important then now and if
>> > we as a community can get together and do the necessary work the
>> > greatest future of GNOME lay ahead of us.
>> >
>> > I have two years of experience of being on the non-for profit FSCONS
>> > board (FSCONS, the free software conference in Gothenburg that Karen
>> > keynoted last year). More info about me (including occupation) can be
>> > found here [1].
>> >
>> > In the upcoming year I like to continue explore growth/collaborations
>> > opportunities for the foundation and investigate the benefits of a
>> > possible WC3 membership [2].
>> In early 2013, the board briefly investigated W3C membership,
>> Interesting, any notes about this?
>> The cost of a W3C membership is 7,900 USD and there is
>> extensive information available on their website at
>> http://www.w3.org/Consortium/membership .
> Actually, I was able to get most of the way towards the discounted fee for
> the fist years of WC3 membership when I was Executive Director, but we just
> didn't have the bandwidth to participate in it. If the new board thinks it's
> valuable, I can help pick up that conversation (whether I am on the board or
> not of course).

Thanks for pointing that out! I was not aware that it was concluded
and would appreciate a summary from you for our minutes so that there
is a record.

> karen
>> What benefits do you feel
>> that joining the W3C will bring to GNOME and how would you approach
>> sustainable raising the funding for the membership fees?
>> While I have not done any extensive investigation about benefits, I have
>> some
>> thoughts about this.
>> If more free software entities where to join WC3, proponents of a open
>> unrestricted and Web would have a stronger voice thus be able to making
>> a lager impact and ultimately shaping the future of the Web in a free
>> software friendly direction (for those who wants to have more info about
>> WC3 and its work I recommend this video [1]).
>> Right now to my knowledge Mozilla are only the free software foundation
>> that are a W3C member[2], as the events of the past week have showed
>> fighting for a Open Web in that environment is hard [3], They have
>> to carry a very heavy load.
>> Its also brings up a point that we as a free software project are
>> used to tell a story from a outside perspective when there is value of
>> to join others and collaborate across organizational boundaries
>> (something are very used to do within the project and on the technical
>> side ).
>> Also as you (and others) may know GNOME are maintaining its own WebKit
>> implementation and browser [4] [5], I'm sure contributors to those
>> efforts could provide valuable inputs to WC3 and learn much from other
>> members.
>> I understand of course a that a membership fee should never threaten the
>> financial situation of the foundation. With that said I hope that the
>> Foundation will have larger revenue in the future, thus be able to pay
>> the membership fee or find other founding opportunities.
>> 1 http://www.w3.org/2011/11/w3c_video.html
>> 2 http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Member/List
>> 3https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/05/14/drm-and-the-challenge-of-serving-users/
>> 4 http://webkitgtk.org/
>> 5 https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Web
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